has been published continuously since its founding in 1854.
The journal is published by the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech
Academy of Sciences in Prague. It generally publishes longer original scientific works
of supra-regional significance from the fields of archaeology and related scientific
disciplines, along with critical and informative reviews of publications with a similar thematic
orientation. Although it is focused primarily on Central Europe, the journal also publishes
results from Czech foreign expeditions.
Since 2003, the journal has been published once a year in December.
ISSN: 0031–0506 (Print)
ISSN: 2570–9496 (Online)
cover of the first magazine published in 1854
The journal Památky archeologické is indexed and abstracted in Arts and Humanities
Citation Index®(Web of Science®) and it is also indexed or abstracted in SCOPUS,
ERIH PLUS, EBSCO and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. Impact Factor 0,7 (2022).